Science with iTelescope.Net
Let us enable your research.
On demand, Northern and Southern Hemisphere telescopes are ready for science and astronomy research.
Our science telescopes come equipped with Johnson/Cousins design photometric and CLRGB filters. We have deep space reflectors and wide field telescopes for survey work. We also have a telescope equipped with photometric Sloan filters and a diffraction grating for basic spectroscopy.
You can pick and choose the telescopes you wish, you are not limited to a single telescope on the network.
We support RA/DEC astronomical coordinates, as well as minor planet, comet and NEO formats. Write your observing plan your way. Our reservation system allows you to book time in advance on any telescope and even have your observing plan run unattended.
Our larger aperture telescopes are capable of milli-magnitude photometric measurement for photometric and exoplanet research. Each observatory has its own Minor Planet Code (MPC) designation and we also integrate into AAVSO VPhot online tool for photometric analysis.
FITS imaging data can be downloaded typically after 5 minutes from our high speed data server, and you always own your raw data.
We have you covered with our automatic refund system just in case a passing cloud or a gust of wind ruins your exposure, simply click the refund link in your email usage receipt.
Bias, dark and flat field frames are provided if you wish to calibrate your own image data. Our flat fields are taken with large luminescent panels providing high quality flat fields.
We have dedicated staff members to assist you with your support needs, we also have a support website that has very useful information.
We also provide private and shared hosting facilities for dedicated research applications.
“I found the telescope operation to be amazingly simple. All I had to log in and enter the RA and Dec coordinates and the required exposure time and then click on the “Acquire Image” button. Rock-steady tracking and a crisp focus all happened automatically and at the end of each exposure I could view the image obtained.”
Variable & CV Stars
Asteroids, comets and NEO's
Double stars
Basic spectroscopy
Deep Space Imaging
Science & Research Image Gallery