Astropixelprocessor is a highly versatile image processing software
July 2020 Update
All Skill Levels - Beginners to Advanced
Complete LRGB Tutorial of NGC292, The Small Magellanic Cloud
All files for the tutorial are available here
This tutorial consists of 3 parts (total time 40 min) and is a complete tutorial from loading the raw filter data to a final LRGB color image ready for publication.
Introduction and Image Loading
Calibration to Integration
Color Image - Light Pollution and Star Color Correction- Final Touches
The data was acquired, in August 2019, with our Telescope T08:
T8 is a 106mm Takahashi FSQ telescope based at SSO in Australia. It has a selection of RGB and Narrowband imaging filters. Its teamed with a sensitive FLI Microline CCD and a full house filter wheel. T8 is a prime imaging platform in the southern hemisphere with exceptional optics and will be able to gather data of APOD winning quality.