Astro-Imaging with iTelescope.Net
Lets us enable your astro imaging, this is astronomy evolved for the 21st century.
iTelescope.Net has a large network of Internet controlled telescopes across the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ready for use. Our observatories are situated in pristine dark skies, with high elevation, and have high speed internet access for fast image data delivery.
Telescopes range from wide field refractors to deep field reflectors with an array of CCD sizes from 4k x 4k to smaller sensors. Cameras are equipped with LRGB and narrow-band filters. We also have one shot colour cameras for beginners.
If you are just starting out or an advanced astrophotographer we have telescope systems ready for use. We also provide a private hosting service for individuals with their own telescope, or a group sharing service for those who wish to share a dedicated telescope. Please contact us for more information.
Our systems are designed to be easy to use. Beginners can simply select from a list of bright astronomical targets from a menu, or for the advanced user you can plan your own observing session by specifying RA/DEC coordinates, sub-exposure times and filters, or even plan multiple targets in a single session. You can also dither your images, select camera binning, and request other imaging formats.
All images are delivered in a calibrated and raw FITS file format. All sessions come with email usage receipts which contain the sessions log file and jpeg preview images. You own all rights to your data.
Bias, dark and flat field frames are provided if you wish to calibrate your own image data. Our flat fields are taken with large luminescent panels providing high quality flat fields.
We have dedicated staff members to assist you with your support needs, we also have a support website that has a lot of useful information.
Members can access image data via our high speed server, typically image data arrives within 5 minutes from the image been taken.
We recognise things go wrong, such as a gust of wind, satellite track, or passing clouds can all ruin images, just click on the refund link in you're usage receipt which allows you to refund images automatically, ensuring quality and peice of mind.
“iTelescope gave me the great opportunity of continuing what I like to do without impacting too much with my private life and work stuff.”
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) by iTelescope.Net Members