Premium Images
How does this work?
Each fortnight iTelescope will release a new premium image set.
This page will contain the three most recent image sets for download.
How do I get the download password?
You will get the password by email if:
Change your plan.
Your membership renews.
The password will be given the next time you log into the Launchpad.
Total Exposure Time / Image Quality / Narrowband
Generally speaking the longer the total exposure time the higher the overall image quality. Each one of these thumbnail images has had basic images processing applied to produce a fair representation of what you can expect. When you work with the full resolution images you will notice the quality difference in the increased total exposure time. Access to narrowband images requires joining Plan-160 or higher as narrowband take a long time to capture.
Release – July 1st 2024
Trifid and Lagoon nebula - 4 panel Mosaic
A superb 4 panel Mosaic of the Lagoon and Trifid region with a high resolution color camera.
You can easily process this Mosaic in APP (Astropixelprocessor):
0) Raw / Fits - pattern “Supported”
4) Register - registration mode. “mosaic” also Scale Start “7”. and Scale Stop “15”
5) Normalize - mode “advanced”
6) Integrate - multi-band-blending - tick “enable 10%”
Set Size: 1.82GB
Member Cost: $0
Set Size: 2.73 GB
Member Cost: $0
Plan-160 to Plan-1000
Set Size: 5.23 GB
Member Cost: $0
New Release – June 1st 2024
iTelescope T31 : Lagoon Nebula M8, showcases the Nebula's radiant heart, a celestial masterpiece captured through the lens of a T31 telescope. The nebula's billowing clouds of glowing hydrogen gas are painted in mesmerizing shades of crimson and magenta, revealing the awe-inspiring power of stellar birth.
Exposure: 21 x 300s L R G B
Set Size: 0.75 GB
T31 Siding Spring Observatory
Member Cost: $0
Exposure: 5 x 300s SII, 5 x 300s OII, 5 x 300s Ha, + basic LRGB
Set Size: 1.25 GB
T31 Siding Spring Observatory
Member Cost: $0
Plan-160 to Plan-1000
Exposure: 72 x 300s SII + OIII + Ha, + basic LRGB
Set Size: 3,2 GB
T31 Siding Spring Observatory
Member Cost: $0
August 1st 2024:
To be announced
Tutoring & Webinars
Please visit our Webinar page to see the upcoming webinar schedule on the Basics of Image Processing of the image data sets above. We also offer live one of one tuition for members who want that personal one on one experience.
You can also visit the same page for past webinar events if you can not attend.
We strongly recommend the use of Astro Pixel Processor - APP, not only is it affordable it provides all the tools you need to produce high quality astro images, it costs € 60.00 per year or € 165.00 once off, you can also try it for free for 30 days.
A free tutorial for Astropixelprocessor is here. Also check our Webinar page for tutorials.